
Kay Ashaolu - Instructor

Aishwarya Sriram - TA

Chapter 4: Introduction to Docker

Docker Containers, Images & Compose

Docker vs. Virtual Machines

  • Virtual Machines (VMs):
    • Emulate a complete operating system (OS)
    • Use a hypervisor to simulate hardware
  • Docker Containers:
    • Share the host OS kernel (typically Linux)
    • Run as isolated processes with less overhead
  • Key Idea: Avoid duplicating the full OS stack

How Virtual Machines Work

  • Architecture:
    • Hardware: CPU, RAM, GPU, etc.
    • Host OS: e.g., macOS running on your computer
    • Hypervisor: Manages VMs on top of the host OS
    • Guest OS: e.g., Windows running inside a VM
  • Diagram Concept:
    Hardware → Host OS → Hypervisor → Guest OS

Inefficiencies in Virtual Machines

  • Each VM runs its own complete OS, including:
    • Duplicate code for hardware interaction
    • Full OS libraries and tools
  • Result: Increased resource consumption and slower startup times

Docker Containers: A More Efficient Alternative

  • Efficiency:
    • Containers share the host’s OS kernel
    • They run as isolated processes, not full OS instances
  • Advantages:
    • Faster startup
    • Lower resource overhead
  • Trade-off: Reduced flexibility (e.g., limited to Linux kernel for most cloud servers)

Why Linux for Docker?

  • Cloud Servers: Most run Linux
  • Consistency: Develop locally with Linux containers to mirror production
  • Local Development on Non-Linux Systems:
    • Docker Desktop creates a Linux VM on macOS/Windows automatically

What is a Docker Image?

  • Definition: A snapshot containing:
    • Source code
    • Libraries and dependencies
    • Tools and applications
  • Excludes: The OS kernel (uses the host’s kernel)
  • Sources: Many prebuilt images available (e.g., from Docker Hub)

What is a Docker Container?

  • Runtime Instance: A running image
  • Characteristics:
    • Isolated process environment
    • Own storage and networking setup
    • Leverages the host OS kernel
  • Analogy: Think of it as a lightweight, portable application environment

The Dockerfile: Defining an Image

  • Purpose: Instruct Docker how to build an image
  • Key Commands:
    • FROM: Specify the base image (e.g., python:3.10)
    • RUN: Execute commands (e.g., install dependencies)
    • COPY: Copy files/directories into the image
    • CMD / ENTRYPOINT: Define the container’s startup command

Sample Dockerfile for a Flask App

FROM python:3.10
RUN pip install flask
COPY . .
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host", ""]
  • Highlights:
    • Base Image: Uses Python 3.10 (includes Debian tools)
    • Port Exposure: Opens port 5000 for the Flask app
    • Work Directory: Sets /app as the directory for app files
    • Command: Starts Flask with external access enabled

Docker Image Layers & Caching

  • Layers: Each Dockerfile command creates a new layer
  • Caching:
    • Unchanged layers are cached to speed up rebuilds
    • Modifying one layer can invalidate the cache for subsequent layers
  • Best Practice: Order Dockerfile commands to maximize cache reuse

Docker Desktop & CLI Tools

  • Docker Desktop:
    • Provides a GUI to manage images, containers, and volumes
    • Automatically sets up a Linux VM on macOS/Windows
  • Docker CLI:
    • Command-line interface to build, run, and manage containers
    • Common commands: docker build, docker run, docker ps, etc.

Running a Container with Docker Desktop

  • Workflow:
    1. Build the Image:
      docker build -t my-flask-app .
    2. Run the Container:
      Use Docker Desktop GUI or CLI commands
    3. Port Forwarding:
      Map host ports (e.g., host port 5005 to container port 5000)
  • Tip: Visualize and manage containers easily via Docker Desktop

Port Forwarding in Docker

  • EXPOSE Command:
    Declares which port the container listens on (e.g., EXPOSE 5000)
  • Port Mapping at Runtime:
    -p <host_port>:<container_port>
  • Example:
    docker run -p 5005:5000 my-flask-app
    Maps host port 5005 to container’s port 5000

Running Containers via the CLI

  • Build the Image:
    docker build -t my-flask-app .
  • Run the Container:
    docker run -p 5005:5000 my-flask-app
  • Run in Daemon Mode (Background):
    docker run -d -p 5005:5000 my-flask-app

Container Persistence & Data Storage

  • Ephemeral Storage:
    Data inside a container lasts until the container is deleted
  • Persistent Data:
    Use Docker volumes to maintain data across container lifecycles
  • Note: Containers are disposable—treat them as stateless where possible

Introduction to Docker Compose

  • What It Does:
    Orchestrates multi-container applications with a single command
  • Why Use It:
    • Simplifies starting multiple interdependent services (e.g., API + database)
    • Manages service configurations and dependencies

Docker Compose Configuration File

  • Filename: docker-compose.yml (default name)
  • Structure:
    • version: Specifies the Compose file format (e.g., "3")
    • services: Defines each container (e.g., web, db)
  • Advantage: No need to type long docker run commands for each service

Sample docker-compose.yml for a Flask API

version: "3"
    build: .
      - "5000:5000"
      - .:/app
  • Breakdown:
    • build: Uses the Dockerfile in the current directory
    • ports: Maps host port 5000 to container port 5000
    • volumes: Synchronizes the current directory with /app in the container

Volume Mapping in Docker Compose

  • Syntax:
    volumes: - <host_directory>:<container_directory>
  • Purpose:
    • Keeps local files synchronized with the container
    • Ideal for rapid development and testing
  • Outcome: Instant updates in the running container when code changes

Running Docker Compose

  • Command:
    docker compose up
  • What Happens:
    • Builds images (if not already built)
    • Starts all services defined in docker-compose.yml
    • Displays logs for each service (e.g., web-1)
  • Stopping Services:
    Use Ctrl+C or run docker compose down

Rebuilding Images with Docker Compose

  • When to Rebuild:
    After configuration or code changes that affect the image
  • Command Example:
 docker compose up --build --force-recreate --no-deps web
  • Flags Explained:
    • --build: Rebuilds the image
    • --force-recreate: Forces container recreation
    • --no-deps: Ignores linked service dependencies

Best Practices in Docker Development

  • Develop Consistently:
    Use Linux containers locally to match production environments
  • Optimize Dockerfiles:
    Order commands to maximize caching and reduce rebuild times
  • Stay Updated:
    Use the latest stable base images (e.g., Python 3.10/3.11)

Local vs. Cloud Deployment Considerations

  • Local Development:
    • Often requires a VM (via Docker Desktop) on macOS/Windows
  • Cloud Deployment:
    • Typically runs containers on native Linux servers
  • Key Point:
    Ensure that your local development environment mirrors the production setup to avoid unexpected bugs

Conclusion & Next Steps

  • Recap:
    • Docker offers efficient containerization for backend services
    • Dockerfiles and Docker Compose streamline development and deployment


Containerization - Backend Webarch

By kayashaolu

Containerization - Backend Webarch

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